Skinbase Microdermabrasion
Microdermabrasion is a safe, controlled system of intense exfoliation and resurfacing using ultra fine crystals that rejuvenate the skin. The crystals work as a gentle abrasive on the skin to remove dead skin cells layer by layer. It safely treats all skin tones and skin types and can treat a number of skin problems; Acne & Acne Scarring, Fine Lines and Wrinkles, Ageing Skin, Dry and Dehydrated Skin, Uneven Skin Tone, Stretch Marks, Pigmentation and Blemishes.
Acne, Pigmentation and Rejuvination skin plans are available.
Other Individual Body Areas are priced according to the size of the area.
* Please notify us if you are pregnant and /or have any medical conditions. (bold)
* A patch test is required 24 hrs prior to the treatment. (bold)
Essential Microdermabrasion Facial
30 mins
During this 30 minute facial thousands of tiny crystals are used to polish away the very outermost layer of skin. Using a combination of exfoliation and vacuum action, pores are unblocked and impurities removed from the skin to reveal a fresh, healthy and radiant complexion.
Advanced Microdermabraion Facial
30 mins
Similar to our Essential facial but with particular attention paid to problem areas. Ideal as a second treatment to really concentrate on areas of congestion around the T-Zone, fine lines on the forehead and around the eyes.
Microdermabrasion Body Treatments
- Back - 45 mins
- Half Back, Legs, Arms, Hands - 30 mins
-Decolletage - 20 mins
30 mins